Who is Laurel White

Hello World, I am here with tremendous compassion for humanity and all things on Earth. My journey has led me down paths that taught me tremendous resilience, compassion, discipline, healing and understanding.

I was born on a farm, and heading back to having my own soon. I was a pro athlete in windsurfing, built 5 yoga studios on 2 continents and created the first yoga detox retreats on Maui in 1995. We pioneered seawater colonic therapy and witnessed miraculous results – until Fukushima exploded its nastiness into our beautiful oceans.

I have sailed and swam almost half the world and lived with tribes. I love learning from the indigenous ways. My Hawaiian heritage came into full bloom while I lived on Maui for 20 years. I traveled as a volunteer for five years then headed back to my home in the islands – where I left my heart.

As an elder today, my healing journey continues for myself first, then for others. The rules have changed now and more and more people are open to changing their current circumstances that have not led them to THRIVING. This is my passion and focus. Why not? I have survived plenty, suffered much (usually a lot to do with our own belief systems and our own mental processes) and shared a lot of myself with others – for healing, for joy, for thriving.

Food and exercise have ruled my life. Initially food was a hindrance, as it is for so many. Then it wasn’t good enough for me, so I embarked upon a journey of learning about every kind of food, every way to grow, prepare and eat it. This has also brought me back to my original interest in BIOLOGY. What’s happened to our soils and how is that directly related to all the dis-ease we have been witnessing, like autoimmune diseases and more.

Recently I completed a 2 month very strict vegetarian KETO diet and process in my body. I like to experiment on myself first, testing theories and ideas that come to me. I fixed my own thyroid without a doctor, why can’t I do more? I learned how the body deals with taking off all the stored fat that one has carried around for life. This is perfect as a senior since we need to maintain our strength and gaining fat is easier than ever.

Anti-Aging naturally, while increasing IMMJNITY, is now my focus as I’m in those years of body starting to slow down, so how do we keep it THRIVING? Exercise has become even more important. I have created some new moves that can be done at the oceans edge or in a chair that keeps our joints mobile and the blood moving.

I was a cleansing specialist for years on Maui and fasted enough that I emptied my small intestine of all I had ever eaten. I lost weight but I also lost muscle mass. lt just did not bring me to what I experienced with a veggie keto diet. I lost 6 lbs of STORED FAT in just 3 weeks. My muscle mass stayed the same if not grew to a healthy proportion. Just what I wanted. As an aging athlete who understands the body in endurance mode, this is huge! It also stayed off, not like a “diet”, where one loses mostly water weight and muscle mass.

Additionally, I reversed all my pre-diabetic, hypoglycemic and low functioning thyroid issues at the same time, while eating only 10% carbohydrates per day. Now that’s disruptive to my body as it was used to carbs in, so carbs out. It’s a new habit that takes about 21 days to change without the effects of cravings and so on.

In 2010, I wrote an Ebook, called The Body Garden. I wrote about the amazing results we found from seawater cleansing and what I learned about food relationships to our bodies.

Today I’m back on Maui ready to share what I learned in my recent travels about IMMUNITY and TOP NUTRITION for staying strong and vital as we move through these new and challenging times. Please check out my online store for the most amazing products to date, straight from Mother Earth (not the laboratory) that can save your life from pain and debilitating circumstances. There’s a reason why certain things come to ‘light’ when they do, because we need them. Today, more and more people are opting out of the ‘old ways’ and open to TRANSFORMATION, without invasive procedures or pharmaceuticals. Mother Nature provides all. We just have to know where to look and I’ve done my research. If I can windsurf, surf, free dive, ride mountain bikes, hike and not need to sleep much, well, I know I’m THRIVING and I never get sick !!!

I look forward to serving you !